South Coast - Bega Valley Shire Old Bega Hospital Conservation Strategy


Contact point

Picture of Kate Napier
Kate Napier Director Heritage Environment & Planning 02 9769 9847

The Old Bega Hospital was completed in 1889 and is considered to be historically significant. It is listed on the Bega Valley Shire Council Local Environmental Plan as a heritage item of local significance. Currently, the outbuildings and grounds are used by community groups for a range of purposes, including market days, pottery workshops, weaving studio, art classes and meetings and functions.

The Old Hospital main building was extensively damaged by a fire in 2004. Demolition post-fire has also occurred, with only around 20% of the building roofed and almost none of it fit for occupation. The Department of Industry – Lands engaged NSW Public Works to carry out a detailed assessment of the Old Bega Hospital to assess the structural integrity of the building and provide heritage advice and recommendations. Six options were developed as possible alternatives, with indicative budgets for feasibility.

NSW Public Works tendered for heritage architects to develop rebuild options in late 2020. After considerable work by the community, aided by NSW government grant funding, and notwithstanding delays following the 2019-20 bushfires and COVID-19, the project finally went to construction in May 2023. The whole structure will be re-roofed and a sizable portion renovated internally to heritage standards and fitted out for community use – the culmination of a dream tenaciously pursued by the Friends of Old Bega Hospital and the Reserve Land Manager for nearly two long decades.

Old Bega Hospital scaffolding
Old Bega Hospital grass overgrowth and adbandoned building condition
Old Bega Hospital - roof trusses being craned in
Old Bega Hospital - main building scaffolding works