Sydney - Ku-ring-gai Tulkiyan House


Contact point

Picture of Bruce Pettman
Bruce Pettman Director 0407 948 514

Tulkiyan House is an Arts and Crafts style suburban villa designed and built in 1913 by architect B.J. Waterhouse.  It provides a remarkably intact survival of a distinctive phase in development of domestic architecture in Australia.  The house is considered to be of State significance and is listed on the State Heritage Register (SHR).

The design of the house, together with its contents, represents the taste and lifestyle of the upper middle class in Sydney prior to World War 1.  At the time of gazetting in the SHR in 2001, the house was said to be “in excellent condition”. In 2016 both the house and collections were badly affected by a burst hot water service pipe, which caused hot water to leak throughout the ground floor over a two-week period. The condition of the exterior fabric and structural condition have also deteriorated as a result of a lack of essential maintenance.

In June 2017, NSW Public Works were commissioned by Ku-ring-gai Council to undertake a pre-project scoping study for the conservation of Tulkiyan House.  The purpose of the study was to assess the condition of the building fabric and the heritage collections provide an outline strategy for conservation and prioritised repairs and identify indicative costings for Council for project planning.