Engineering emergency management

Contact point

Picture of Martin Dwyer
Martin Dwyer 0417 565 223

Engineering Emergency Management (EEM) provides engineering expertise to help prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from the effects of the impacts of disasters on the community.

Under the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 and the State Disaster Plan, NSW Public Works coordinates the Engineering Services Functional Area.

We provide engineering coordination, assistance and technical advice on a state and district basis to emergency combat agencies, including Police, Fire and Rescue, SES, and any other functional area involved in the response phase of emergencies.

Our EEM team also provides and undertakes the coordination of engineering support to Combat Agencies, other Functional Areas, Government Department and Agencies. All activities are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the SERM Act, State Emergency Management Plan (EMPlan) and the Engineering Services Functional Area Sub-Plan.

Video thumbnail

Responding to the Türkiye earthquake: Supporting search and rescue efforts